Employer brand

Make your employees the best ambassadors of your company.
Collect their feelings and improve their experience to promote your employer brand, attract and retain talent.

When to conduct a survey on employer brand?

I have objectives to achieve and would like to take stock of the situation

  • I want to have a diagnosis of my employer brand

  • The employer brand is becoming a key internal topic

  • I want my company to shine on the Internet

I am facing problems

  • I have difficulties to recruit and attract new talent

  • I have a hard time retaining talent: employee turnover is high

  • I cannot turn my employees into ambassadors

  • My company is affected by the great resignation

Why conduct a survey on employer brand?

Companies with a strong employer brand lower their hiring costs by:
of hires begin with an online search of the company
of executives have considered resigning at the end of 2021

What are the benefits?

For the company

Employer brand
  • Employees retention

  • Reduced employees turnover

  • Empowerment of employees as ambassadors

  • A more attractive company for candidates

For employees

Employee experience
  • A better employee experience

  • A sense of pride in belonging

Octomine’s process

Our team of experts will accompany you at every stage of your project.

  1. 1

    Octomine surveys employees on key employer brand issues: work/life balance, career development, QWL…

    Tableau de bord Octomine
  2. 2

    Our AI and experts teams help you understand what keeps your employees in the company and what they miss

    Tableau de bord Octomine
  3. 3

    Communicate on your results to attract talent

    Tableau de bord Octomine
  4. 4

    Improve blocking points in order to make employees your brand ambassadors

    Tableau de bord Octomine

Try the turnkey survey