Develop the skills of each employee with the 360° Feedback

Allow your employees to know their strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement in terms of personal development, thanks to 360° feedback questionnaires.

Why a 360° feedback ?

The 360° feedback opens the discussion between employees and helps increase self-awareness. Identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses is a key factor for personal development. Feedback from peers, managers and/or subordinates gives employees the essential external vision to progress and improve their performance.

The 360° feedback allows you to assess the performance of your teams through feedback from all stakeholders, and have an overview of their skills. It also serves as the basis for the annual individual review.


The 360° feedback feature allows your employees to request and give feedback to their peers, managers, and/or subordinates in the form of customizable and fun questionnaires (via any type of question).

Employees can request and give feedback on pre-established questionnaires focused on soft skills (communication, leadership, teamwork, etc.). You also have the possibility to create tailor-made questionnaires specific to your company’s challenges.

Self-assessment allows one to compare his or her perception with those of others, and offers a complete analysis of one’s profile.

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    Feedback requests between peers, managers and/or subordinates

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    Pre-established questionnaires on soft skills (communication, leadership, teamwork, etc.)

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    Tailor-made feedback questionnaires


A downloadable profile

Each employee can download their profile in PDF format with all their results.
Download your employees' profile to take stock of their skills or to prepare their individual annual interview!


Translation in 120 languages

Our platform now operates in 120 languages in real time and simultaneously, allowing each user to answer questionnaires and access the platform in the desired language. Our translation system is based on contextualization algorithms. Survey your company globally!



Feedback 360 can be configured à la carte: choose your questionnaires, your projects, the teams concerned, the minimum and maximum number of feedbacks to give, the anonymity of the responses, the wording as well as the levels of analyses displayed.


The feedback is analyzed and aggregated by our AI in real time, allowing each employee to have an overview by topic or by project. A comparison for each question of his or her perception to that of others offers a better understanding of oneself, and fosters personal development. Semantic analysis showcases word clouds to quickly identify the key topics covered.

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    Real-time aggregated analysis

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    Comparison of the perceptions of the different actors

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    Semantic analysis: word clouds

A SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis allows each employee to identify at a glance the subjects for which their perception differs from others’, and more particularly their strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement in terms of personal development.

It is possible to filter the analysis by respondent category for more precision (managers, peers, subordinates).

From survey to action

Survey, analyze, communicate and act in complete confidentiality

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