Survey your employees and adapt your strategy by taking the best decisions

Survey your employees in a few clicks on key themes (QWL, engagement, teleworking ...) with our simple and confidential questionnaires. Our artificial intelligence analyzes for you the results in real time.


Pulse surveys

Quick and regular pulse surveys

Questionnaire QVT
Continuously keep the pulse of your employees with questionnaires that will only take them a few minutes to answer.
Simple and fun questionnaires
A library of 400 questions spread over 60 scientifically developed themes
Choice of target populations
Choice of the frequency of questionnaires and reminders
Follow up by our experts
Customization (questions, design, communication)
Translation in over 120 languages
Accessibility on all devices

Social barometer

A social barometer to survey your employees and establish a complete diagnosis

Bibliothèque de thèmes
Punctually assess the feelings of your employees. Address one or more themes with a complete set of questions and gain an in-depth understanding of the tackled issue.
A simple and fun questionnaire
A library of 400 questions spread over 60 scientifically developed themes
Follow up by our experts
Customization (questions, design, communication)
Translation in over 120 languages
Accessibility on all devices

eNPS campaigns

The employee Net Promoter Score: A standard indicator to measure engagement

Dashboard ENPS
Launch eNPS campaigns to easily and continuously measure employee engagement.
Internal benchmark
Analysis of the comments
Recommendations of our AI


Identify the weaknesses and strengths of your teams

Identify the priority areas of action and their potential impact on your performance thanks to real-time analysis.
Priority actions
Identification of levers and obstacles
Automated AI analysis
Understand your results

Our complementary products

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