
Survey your newcomers before their arrival to understand their expectations and collect their feedback throughout their integration process to adapt your onboarding.

When to conduct an onboarding survey?

Before the arrival of new employees

  • I want to understand the expectations of newcomers

During or after onboarding

  • I want to get objective feedbacks on my company's processes with a fresh perspective

  • I would like to collect feedback on the onboarding process: strong points, blocking or missing points, etc...

Why conduct onboarding surveys?

A company with an effective onboarding process has
more engaged employees
of employees resign after a disastrous first day
Employees who had a structured onboarding are
more likely to stay in the company for more than 3 years

What are the benefits?

For the company

Employer brand
  • Employee retention

  • Employees engagement

  • Improved employer brand through the best experience possible

For employees

Quality of working life
Employee experience
  • A sense of belonging from their first days

  • A high-quality integration

  • A better understanding of their missions and the company

  • A stress reduction

Octomine’s process

Our team of experts will accompany you at every stage of your project.

  1. 1

    Octomine surveys newcomers before their arrival to help you understand their expectations

    Tableau de bord Octomine
  2. 2

    Octomine collects feedback from newcomers on processes, especially onboarding

    Tableau de bord Octomine
  3. 3

    Our AI and our experts team help you determine the success factors and weaknesses of your onboarding

    Tableau de bord Octomine
  4. 4

    Adapt your onboarding process

    Tableau de bord Octomine

Try the turnkey survey