La MGP logo


The security forces mutual

La MGP is the complementary health insurance company for all security forces in France. Created at the initiative of police officers, since 2017 it has been aimed at all public security professionals (the staff of the Ministry of the Interior, Justice, customs officers, national and municipal police officers, etc.) as well as private individuals. More than 450 employees manage members' files, answer their questions, advise and inform them.

The Octomine solution allows us to survey our employees and adapt our strategy by making the best decisions. For us, listening to the feelings and aspirations of our teams is an excellent way to move forward. It is also a mark of recognition, interest and respect towards the women and men who put their skills and energy at the service of the group, the company and its strategic plan. The solution offered by Octomine is accessible, easy to use and ergonomic.

Géraldine Milly
HRM, MGP - Mutuelle des forces de sécurité

Why choose Octomine ?

In a context of change around the orientations of the new MGP H24 strategic plan and organizational changes induced by the Covid-19 crisis, and always in the concern of listening to employees and improving internal satisfaction and engagement, the human resources department wishes to continue the approach undertaken over the last ten years, namely : to survey employees on a constant basis through a social barometer while including new items specific to the current positioning of the company (teleworking, CSR actions, etc.)

The goals

Measure employee perceptions on a number of subjects

Build a precise inventory of the topics of satisfaction and the topics of concern

Regularly measure, thereafter, the evolution of this perception with regard to the same parameters

The results

A positive participation rate of 61% (280 respondents)
Positive and improving results on many items.
Expectations and areas for improvement expressed to be studied
Obtaining concrete elements that can be used to deepen the work undertaken on the employer brand / CSR approach
The following feedback: “97% of employees are proud to work at MGP”, an even more positive feedback after two years of Covid crisis, which was particularly challenging for everyone

8.3 /10

Score given to the MGP as a responsible player on the theme of diversity

8.0 /10

Score given to the MGP for carrying out actions in favor of ecology

8.0 /10

Score awarded to the MGP for carrying out actions to improve gender equality


of employees say they are proud to work for the MGP


of employees say that the atmosphere is good within the MGP


of employees say they have a clear vision of their role in the strategic plan


of managers say they are supported by management in their role


of managers say that working relationships within their team are pleasant


of employees say that their manager fosters a good cohesion within the team

Want to continuously improve your employer brand ?