MFPrévoyance is an insurance company which covers all the needs in insurance and health of its partners' members and insured. MFPrévoyance allows public service mutual insurance companies, professional or interprofessional mutual insurance companies, as well as public or private law organizations, to complete their services with collective offers with compulsory or optional membership. A company on a human scale, MFPrévoyance protects 1.3 million insured.
Through Octomine, employees can let our company know what it’s doing right and where it can improve.
In March 2020, MFPrévoyance, in the context of lockdown, implemented weekly surveys through the Octomine platform, in order to maintain communication between all employees teleworking permanently, a practice with which they were not familiar. The employees were surveyed about their workload, their adaptation to telework, the use of tools, and isolation.
The results obtained and the adhesion of the employees to Octomine led to this tool, installed on a temporary basis, becoming our social barometer with an employee survey conducted every month at MFPrévoyance
Maintain a link between the company and its employees
Provide a space for employees to express themselves and listen to their concerns
Allow employees to share their feelings confidentially manner
Identifying employee problems and implementing appropriate measures
Employees feel fully involved in the company's success
MFPrévoyance’s managers maintain good communication and remain accessible, even when working from home
Employees have a good work/life balance
Employees feel that their position is fully in line with their skills
*Based on the year 2021
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