Gagneraud Construction PACA logo

Gagneraud Construction PACA

Civil engineering
Social barometer
Social barometer
Use cases

Gagneraud Construction PACA is one of the regional entities of the Gagneraud family group made up of a network of independent companies of more than 50 corporations and employing more than 3,000 employees.

The region brings together 330 employees spread over 7 structures, construction agencies and subsidiaries, with diversified and complementary activities (roads and utilities, maintenance on petrochemical sites, construction of functional structures, special works, studies and engineering, etc.).

From the outset, Gagneraud has cultivated an entrepreneurial spirit allowing everyone to express their personality and potential. This broad autonomy allows engagement and responsiveness while relying on the strength and solidity of a family business. Thus, the decentralization of power in the field is expressed in terms of management and risk taking.

As part of our CSR approach, we wanted to allow our employees to express themselves freely about their work life in order to take stock of the situation and guide us in the priority actions to be implemented. Octomine accompanied us in the definition and implementation of the questionnaire and throughout the field survey, with a very responsive support, up to the analysis of the responses at the regional level. Their intuitive platform allowed us to apply this analysis to the scale of our sites to refine our action plan.

Dominique HAITSE
Regional Director Gagneraud Construction PACA

Why choose Octomine ?

In November 2021, as part of its commitment to its CSR approach, Gagneraud Construction PACA wanted to give its employees the opportunity to express themselves in complete confidentiality on all the themes of life at work. For this, the company called on Octomine to set up a social barometer and thus identify the strengths and areas for improvement.
One of the challenges was to put in place the means in the field to allow employees without a means of connection to respond via: QR code, link and poster.

The goals

Identify the strengths of the company, in order to enhance them

Understand the problems of its teams in the field, by site and by population

Build employee loyalty by meeting their expectations as best as possible

Have feedback from non-connected employees (workers)

The results

A positive participation rate of 61%
The identification of strengths: engaged teams and good managerial relations
The identification of progress points on which to initiate improvement actions


8.8 /10

The success of my company is very important to me

Professional Relationships and Management

8.9 /10

My professional relationships in my company are very good

8.5 /10

MI can easily discuss with my manager

8.1 /10

My manager knows how to listen and respond to my ideas, comments and suggestions

Want to understand the stakes of your teams in the field?