Your results analyzed in real time by our Artificial Intelligence

Save precious time thanks to our algorithms that identify key results for you and give you recommendations to make the best decisions. The summaries of the results are downloadable.

Summaries to get to the point

Quickly visualize the results of surveys thanks to syntheses generated in real time by our Artificial Intelligence. The results can be classified by themes or scores. Target the analysis of results using our filter system (population, category, period, etc.)

Identify the weaknesses and strengths of your teams. Weaknesses correspond to a drop in results over time, very heterogeneous responses, team scores that are very low or which are generally lower than average. The same reasoning is used to identify the strengths of your teams.

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    Summary of results in real time

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    Statistical and semantic analysis and distribution of responses

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    Filter system for a targeted analysis of the results (population, category, period, etc.)

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    Classification by theme or score

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    Confidentiality threshold

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    Team participation and activity

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    Analysis of changes for repeated surveys

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    Downloading of results

A cross-analysis of the results

Octogrid presents a cross-section of the results by population and by theme. It allows you to analyze the results of different teams at a glance, and identify disparities: very easily identify the performing teams and those in difficulty, and the key challenges within your company.

A semantic analysis in 120 languages

Octomine now supports translation in 120 languages simultaneously, allowing each user to access responses and comments in the desired language, regardless of the original language of the responses. Identify the key themes addressed in open questions and comments through semantic analysis.

OctoWords is a feature that displays semantic analysis of comments by team, period, topic and question. Word clouds give you an overview of the subjects raised by employees, of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, before reading the comments. Comments can be filtered according to the score associated with them.

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    Semantic analysis of comments in 120 languages

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    Word clouds

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    Filtering of comments

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    Downloading of comments


Understand in one click the levers and obstacles of the indicator of your choice (engagement, QWL, employer brand, etc.) for a given team or your company as a whole. Our AI generates a summary table in real time that allows you to understand the positive and negative influences on the indicator studied. You can then adjust your processes and resources accordingly to achieve your goals.

In-depth analysis at your disposal

Go even further and dig into the data with Analytics, which presents deeper insights. Our AI maps the correlations between the different problematics and identifies groups of respondents in order to establish more complete profiles. Understand the levers of your key indicators and target priority actions.

Follow up - Octomine Consulting

Our experts assist you in reading and interpreting the results. We also offer an à la carte analysis service on the perimeter and surveys of your choice.

Customizable access rights to the platform

Customize the access rights to the results according to the tree structure of your company. Accesses to the platform are fully configurable and customizable.

Communicate with your teams in a few clicks

Thanks to our downloadable summaries, select the key results and share them with your employees! Our experts can also assist you in building a presentation of your results.

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Caisse Nationale Assurance Vieillesse logo
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